A Base Linux Setup

Setup Shell files:

Copy up .vimrc, .zshrc (symlink), .zsh (folder)

move aforementioned files to /etc/skel

configure colors in /etc/skel/.zsh/prompt.zsh (user colors are dynamic now)

edit /etc/passwd

update the shell for the root user to /usr/bin/zsh

Setup message of the day:


Delete files in /etc/update-motd.d 

Copy updates to /usr/local/bin

Create crontab entry to run /usr/local/bin/updates/GetNumUpdates

sudo apt-get install lsb-release figlet

sudo rm /etc/motd

copy in 00-header 10-sysinfo and 90-footer files into /etc/update-motd.d directory


Copy updates to /usr/local/bin

Create crontab entry to run /usr/local/bin/updates/GetNumUpdates

install figlet  --> Probably needs snap

move motd.sh to /etc/profile.d/

Attach to domain (realmd):

Realmd link: https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/realmd

Setup Sudo:

Sudo link:  https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/sudo

Restrict SSH access:

edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Add something such as:  AllowUsers chris user1@192.168.0.*,192.168.1.* user2@!192.168.0.*,*

Setup Chronyd:

Chronyd link: https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/chronyd

Setup SNMPd:

SNMPd link: https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/snmpd

Setup Cockpit:

Cockpit link: https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/cockpit

Setup Byobu:

Byobu link: https://thegnome.nchar.com/linux-links/byobu

If Time is broken:

apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false -o Acquire::Check-Date=false update